Bill 30 – WCB Changes Some interesting changes are coming our way in relation to Bill 30-An Act to Protect the Health and Well-being of Working Albertans. Not only are there going to be changes to the way Occupational Health
Bill 19 – Overview
Bill 19 – Overview In recent years, “gas and dash”, robberies and other violent incidents at retail fuel outlets and convenience stores have resulted in worker deaths and serious injuries. Bill 19: An Act to Protect Gas and Convenience Store Workers
Hazards at Home – Burning Incense
Hazards at Home – Burning Incense Article by Bonita Tucker While I was in my tiny photography room this weekend trying to take some smoke pictures, which involve quite a few sticks of incense, I began to wonder “just what
How critical is it to wear PPE? Fentanyl Near Miss
How critical is it to wear PPE? Fentanyl Near Miss How important is personal protective equipment? In this startling story the truth of complacency and the need protection is laid bare; Edmonton Police Services tactical officer Scott Innes was driving
Investigations – the power of an inquisitive mind
Investigations – The power of an inquisitive mind The story of cyclops sheep may seem like a reach for investigation theory – however it is truly awe inspiring how the inquisitive and determined minds of the investigators determined what was
Do I need a joint health and safety committee or a health and safety representative?
Do I need a joint health and safety committee or a health and safety representative? What are Joint Health and Safety Committees?Health and Safety Representatives? Joint work site health and safety committees (HSC) are a group of worker and employer
Why Phase One & Two Assessments are Critical
Why Phase One & Two Assessments are Critical Buying and selling property can be exciting and profitable. However, without proper environmental assessment it can also be stressful and costly. It must be a tough week at 1510837 Alberta Ltd. and Cherokee
Lessons for First Aiders – What Happens During A Stroke – TedEd
Lessons for First Aiders – What Happens During A Stroke – TedEd A stroke is a condition in which part of the brain is affected by an interruption to the normal blood supply. This can result from a clot in
Province looking for feedback on new OHS Act
Province looking for feedback on new OHS Act The provincial government is looking for feedback from Albertans regarding the new Occupational Health and Safety Act. The new act, which will go into place on June 1, will define harassment and
Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Changes
Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Changes An improved OHS system to better protect workers and ensure they have the same rights as other Canadians comes into effect on June 1, 2018. Overview The Occupational Health and Safety Act (the act) establishes the